A Love Letter
By Rebecca Core
Can you think of a letter that you received that meant a lot to you? Maybe it was a letter from a family member, a letter of recommendation, or a love letter. When you received that letter, what did you do? Did you read it once and throw it away, or did you read it, share it, and save it?
One letter that comes to mind in my life is a letter my grandfather wrote me when I was 18. He wrote it giving me advice and instruction about the woman he hoped I would be. I have two cousins who are also my age. We all received a copy of the same letter. We each read it a little differently and did not react the same, but it was written with the same love for each of us.
My grandpa passed away about five years after he wrote that letter. I have kept that letter and re-read it at different stages of my life. I pick up on different things each time I read it based on my life experience. All these years later, it is a great reminder of how much he loved us.
Have you ever thought of the Bible as God’s love letter to us? Would it affect how you read Scripture? Howard Hendricks in his book, Living By the Book, reminds us that if we excitedly read a love letter, it is because we are in love with the person who wrote it.
Falling in love with the author of Scripture is a great place to start. One thing I know for sure is that he is already in love with you. But even knowing all of this, reading the Bible can seem a bit daunting if you aren’t familiar with it. It’s okay to start slow. Getting excited about reading Scripture doesn’t mean you have to immediately start by reading the whole Bible cover to cover.
A great exercise is to read the same book or chapter over again, like you would with a cherished letter, and see what the repetition reveals. It’s okay to interact with Scripture based on how you learn best. Listening to the Bible repeatedly can be a great way to learn new things. If you love art, maybe react to the verses with different forms art or hand-lettering.
The biggest thing is to not be overwhelmed, but to dig in and start somewhere. I was recently listening to a podcast with Louie Giglio where he said, “The more you know the Word of God, the more you know the voice of God.” The more you read the Bible, the more you can discern God’s voice in your life. God left us a love letter, but it’s more than just words on a page; it leads us into relationship with the author himself.
Rebecca Core is the Mercy Deacon for Soma Midtown. She attended Dallas Theological Seminary and loves Colts football, Pacers basketball, and tacos.